Making a Podcast: The Inside Scoop



This week, I was tasked with creating a podcast. In theory, this is right up my alley: talking to people? Great! That's something that's always come easily to me. Planning out a conversation and figuring out all the technical aspects? Not so much.

    I'll be honest: The idea of making a podcast made my insides turn when I sat down to figure it out four days ago. I was intimidated and frustrated so I did what any reasonable person would do: I doom-scrolled for a couple hours, then got down to business:

Step One:

The first--- and most difficult--- step was to find a person to interview. I needed to find someone who specialized in Social Media Marketing who could squeeze in an interview with less than two days notice. I really shouldn't have been stressed by this step because I had the perfect candidate: my mimi. She has worked as an online marketing consultant for the past 25 years and luckily for me, would never pass up a chance to talk to her favorite granddaughter. 

Step Two:

A podcast would be nothing without discussion and what do you need for a discussion to occur? That's right: questions! This was fairly easy, but I wanted to make sure my questions were relevant to the discussions we've been having in class and written in a way that required longer answers.

Step Three:

Recording the interview portion of the podcast was such a blast. After I figured out the technical aspects of recording it, everything was a breeze. The interview was so informative and I really enjoyed hearing about my mimi's professional life, which is something we've never really talked about before.

Step Four:

Editing the podcast and converting it to an MP3 file took the most trial and error. I fortunately have a teammate who likes to edit and produce his own music, so he was able to help me download the right apps and show me how to use them. The rest was learned through the power of YouTube. After a couple missed attempts, I finally uploaded my podcast to Podbean, where it is now available for your listening pleasure!

Even though I started this assignment with a truckload of stress and apprehension, I ended up loving this assignment. I've learned a lot of valuable skills and the process has inspired me to give podcasting outside of class a try!

Link to Podcast    

Podcast Questions:

What are your biggest priorities as a marketing specialist now and how have they changed over the last few years?

One of the resources you provide your clients with is email campaigns. What are the benefits of direct email campaigns as opposed to a brand-run blog on a company’s website?

You founded StoryRidge Marketing in 1998. How have you incorporated social media into your clients’ plans as the demand for an online presence has increased?

What are the main things you see new clients struggling with when it comes to having an online presence?

How have you used social media to develop your personal brand?

What do you predict will be the next big change in social media marketing and how are you preparing for it?

Who is your ideal customer? Are they already tech and social media savvy?


  1. I really like how you broke down your podcasting experience into separate steps. It encouraged me to reflect on my own podcasting experience and how I went about completing this project.

  2. Isa,
    Wow, I must say, your blog was an absolute blast to read! The way you broke down your approach to creating your podcast was so intriguing , and I found myself completely engrossed in your writing. It's fantastic to hear that you had such a great time putting it all together, especially after tackling all those analytical bits and pieces. Keep up the amazing work!

  3. You're so lucky to have a family member in social media marketing! I loved your breakdown of this experience!


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