We Need Bagels!

  This is my formal petition for Ohio Northern University to open a bagel restaurant. This may seem random, maybe a little frivolous, but let me explain. It all started last week when I got the email from the SPC announcing Bagels for Bears Day— an event where there would be toasted panera bagels and cream cheese available from 8:30am to 10:30pm. I was ecstatic. Bagels are my absolute most favorite food on the entire planet, I could eat them every day and not get tired of them, especially good bagels. Bagels for Bears Day became the highlight of my plans for the week.

The big day arrived and I could barely contain my excitement. I snapped all of my friends reminding them of Bagels for Bears Day, I couldn’t stand the thought of anyone missing out on such an important event. I left the dining hall at exactly 8:30am with the plan to get in line and grab a bagel before my first class of the day. Unfortunately, the universe had other plans: the line for bagels stretched around the block (I’m not even exaggerating, there’s photo evidence).

I figured, “Not to worry, I’ll just stop by after class. Easy,”. I was riding high on the anticipation of a delicious Panera bagel all the way through my Writing Seminar class. 

This is where disaster strikes: When I got out of class… the bagels were gone. My day was in jeopardy of being ruined. Why did they not plan for more bagel enthusiasts? Bagels are everyone’s favorite, it would only make sense to prepare for at least eighty percent of the student body to show up for such an exciting day. I could have continued to wallow, but then I had a brilliant idea. We need a bagel kiosk. I think everyone can agree there aren't a whole lot of dining options on campus or the surrounding Ada area. Starbucks and Taco Bell are fine for a while, but we need a quick and filling meal option that doesn’t cost a lot of money and is delicious every time you eat it. I personally would be a frequent customer at any bagel establishment offered on campus and I’m sure there’s a large population of people who feel the same.


  1. Isa,
    what a series of unfortunate events. I myself did not even know this event was taking place but I am too in support of opening a bagel shop here on campus.

  2. I find myself craving a bagel almost everyday of my life! I'm from Buffalo, NY so bagel places are very common and I really miss them!


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