Niagara Falls!

I love a good waterfall. Actually, seeing any waterfall is a cause of excitement. But last week, I got to visit THE waterfall. Last Friday, we loaded up the charter bus and set off for Geneseo, New York. This was our big travel meet of the season and everyone on the team got to come. Now I’ll be honest, if you plan on taking a big trip to New York, I would recommend exploring some different parts of the state than we did. If I could describe the parts of New York we drove through, I would say it’s basically like driving six hours through Ada just to arrive in Ada. 

The race course was in a huge field that also served as a small airplane museum. It was a big two kilometer loop that we ran around three times. I thought I would enjoy this course, it’s essentially a giant grass track, afterall. It turns out, a grass circle can get pretty frustrating after you’ve been around it a couple of times, especially when you run the first two kilometers way too fast and feel like you’re slowly dying for the rest of the race. That may be a bit dramatic, the race ended up being fine, just nothing special. After the race came the event I enjoyed the most of the weekend, visiting Niagara Falls.

I’ve seen a couple particularly impressive waterfalls in my lifetime, the most recent being Cuyahoga Falls near Cleveland. Nothing could have prepared me for seeing Niagara for the first time. Honestly, the walk to the Falls next to the river was my favorite part. You could hear the roaring of the water falling to the basin below and the river water was tumbling over itself in a race to get to the ledge as quickly as possible. There’s something so awe-inspiring about Niagara, the fact that something so powerful and beautiful exists in nature reminds you how cool the world we get to be a part of is. Niagara has definitely become a core memory for me, the pictures I’m including don’t even do it justice. 


  1. Not going to lie. I have been there once before and it truly is amazing. When you see it in person you actually get to appreciate it more and understand its significance.

  2. Isa,
    This trip was so much fun! Niagara Falls was such an amazing experience and I'm glad you had a great time! Sometimes a very simple course doesn't set out to be what you expect! You certainly did great and I look forward to seeing how you finish out the season! Great Post!


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