Snapchat Needs to Stay in Their Lane

 When was the last time you bought something because you saw it on Snapchat? Oh, never? Yeah, same here. I think Snapchat is a great reminder that not all social media platforms are fit for marketing. While there are places for ads on Snapchat, the intent of Snapchat users is not to scroll or interact with one-sided media.

Snapchat tutorial - Digital Legacy Association In my personal experience, I prefer to use Snapchat as a more personal communication tool. I think it’s a great platform for group chats and reaching out to people you might not have the number of. It’s also a different way to connect with people through images and videos. The thing is, the personal connection is what makes Snapchat successful. I don’t need another app to sell me stuff, and I honestly don’t feel open to being persuaded to buy things on Snapchat ads. The only time I see ads is if I scroll though the little snapchat shows and local feeds. It’s pretty easy to avoid those advertisements because I really couldn’t care less about watching slime videos or minor celebrity’s stories. 

One aspect of Snapchat that I did find really interesting was their virtual reality clothing try on feature. The thing I hate most about online shopping is the inability to try on the clothes before I purchase them. I can’t stand going through the process of returning clothes that I buy online, so having a chance to see how they would look on me ahead of time is a genuinely innovative idea that solves a big consumer problem. Here’s the thing: I searched hell and high water on my snapchat after reading about the VR feature in the textbook and found absolutely nothing. Maybe they haven’t updated the app yet, or it just isn’t on my phone at the moment, but I feel like this is a feature that needs to be announced and shown to users when they open the app. 

If I was Snapchat, I wouldn’t have even invested in this feature. I feel like they’re tryikng to become something they’re not, they’re slowly trying to become more similar to Instagram and TikTok. I think their app still performs in a way that is unique enough from other social platforms that they don’t need to assimilate to everyone else. Especially in my generation, people really like using Snapchat as a messaging app. I think they should focus more on being a more personal, connected experience rather than a “show and tell” type of app. 


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