Countdown to Thanksgiving Break and an Adventure

  The days are ticking down til we can go home for break and I am positively itching to hop in the car and make my way home for a glorious week of doing absolutely nothing. Well, it won’t be nothing, but at least I won’t have classes for nine whole days. With my cross country season officially ending last Saturday, I intended this week to be a much needed opportunity to catch up on school and get ahead of things before I go home next week. Unfortunately, my immune system had different plans. I’ve spent the past two days in varying levels of misery. I honestly didn’t know I was capable of taking four hour long naps. I’m hoping I’m over the worst of it now, especially considering I still have a big paper due Friday that I’ve yet to write more than an introduction paragraph for. 

On a brighter note, I had a big adventure on Sunday when my friend Kennedy and I went to get our ears pierced. We’ve been talking about getting new piercings since the beginning of the season, but we decided to wait til we were both done racing, just in case something went horribly wrong and it caused any long term pain. We started out going to a palace in Lima our teammate, Liv, had recommended. We forgot to check their hours for Sundays, so we ended up having to do a quick google search of piercing parlors in the area. I’m honestly glad we didn’t end up going to that one, there was a sign on the door saying “guns are welcome, make sure you have your holster!”. I have a feeling we weren’t the typical clientele for the establishment.

We actually weren’t the typical customer for any of the places we tried. Tattoo and piercing business are a far cry from the Claire’s at the mall I went to for my first piercings. The second place we went to was open, but the piercing guy wasn’t there. The tattoo artist gave us his phone number (no name) and told us to text him to see when he was coming in for the day. After waiting twenty minutes in the parking lot for a reply, we decided to try one more place. This one was called White Wizard Tattoos and Body Piercings. The area of town it was in did make us a little nervous, especially when there was a huge line of police cars we had to pull over for on the way there. 

This place was once again not my usual vibe, but they were super sterile handling all the tools and the pricing seemed reasonable. I got my doubles and helix cartilage pierced. Looking back, we probably should have given up after the first couple shops, but I’m so glad we tried one last place. This was one of those days that you remember from college. I also really love how the piercings turned out and I can’t wait for them to heal so I can put fun earrings in.


  1. Isa,
    It sounds like we have had similar experiences as we try to get ahead after cross country season has ended but the sicknesses have taken ahold of us. I hope you are feeling better now! Your piercings look so good! What a fun adventure!! Great post!

  2. Omg, how eventful! I've really been wanting to get my tragus pierced but have been so nervous that it will hurt. They look so good on you!!

  3. Wow, A long interesting story, I personally have always been to scared to get a tattoo and am too afraid of needles to get piercings. Congrats on getting it done.


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