Small Town Girl Moves to Even Smaller Town

    It's been less than 10 days since I moved to ONU, but I feel like there's been a decade's worth of change and experiences crammed into those handful of days. The morning of the big move, I woke up dreading the moment I'd have to get out of bed and begin the newest (and scariest) chapter of my life. Even though I had spent months preparing for the highly anticipated move to my dream school, the thought of actually following through with it made me feel physically ill. Wrapped up in the emotions of leaving my family and Hometown behind, I convinced myself there couldn't possibly be anything in little Ada that would make me want to stay.

    Thankfully, big changes in my life can sometime make me a teensy bit irrational (yay!) and all my fears were actually silly little notions that have all been dismissed. After a few hours of tirelessly making sure my room was the picture of perfection, a weeklong whirlwind ensued. I honestly couldn't tell you how long I've been in residence. I'd believe anything ranging from 48 hours to six months without even batting an eyelash. I've made new friends, adjusted to living with a roommate, started cross country practices and classes, and learned so many new things about myself and college as a whole.

    Life has changed in some big ways this past week, but a lot has remained the same. For instance, I may not live at home anymore, but my mom still required me to take a first day of school picture. It's nice to take a moment to notice the constants in my life, especially when every day has something newer and more exciting than the last.


  1. Love the name of your new blog! Yay!

    1. I agree! I think it is so perfect and fitting.

  2. As someone who has also recently started my next life chapter, like Isa, I can confidently say she has summed up the same whirl wind of emotions I have recently felt perfectly. I thought maybe it was just me dreading taking these next steps, having to leave home, family, and friends. Reading this blog post certainly helped remind me I am not alone and that everyone else is in the same boat as I am. We are all trying to navigate our way through this big, crazy world. I wish the best for you and your school year Ms. Ramos, and I'm loving the longer hair look <3

  3. Hi Isa!
    I'm so excited to hear that you are doing well. I just moved into Wright State University yesterday and I was feeling the exact same way at first. I was scared to move on to something new and I was afraid of the unknown, but now I'm here and I'm doing great!
    I love that your mom had you take a first day of school picture. You look very pretty:)
    I can't wait to hear more about your college adventures these next couple weeks. Take care!


  4. Isa,
    Going to college can be one of the scariest moments of your life but also one of the greatest. There are many new beginnings, changes and unknowns. It’s a transition everyone has a hard time with. I can certainly tell you, you aren’t alone. Lean on your friends and coaches and don’t be afraid to reach out when things get hard. You are going to learn so many more new things about yourself and college life that you would have never expected. But it truly is a time for taking it all in because these are four years of your life you will cherish forever. Can’t wait to kick off this cross country season with you!!


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