
 What Is Halloween, and When Is It in 2023? It’s Halloween week! Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays. When I was a kid, my mom always dressed my brothers and I up in matching costumes. We spent weeks deciding the perfect costume, then took a trip to the Goodwill for the base pieces. I never had a store-bought costume growing up, my mom would devote the entire dining room to constructing the most impressive costumes in the entire neighborhood.

We always had pretty free reign over what we wanted to dress up as, the only rule was that it couldn’t be some scary and unoriginal character. My brothers and I took the deliberation process very seriously, but always ended up with ideas that came way out of left field. The most creative (and strange) thing we ever went as was the contents of a laundry room. My younger brother, Eli, was the washing machine, I was the dryer, and my youngest brother, Isaiah, was a basket of dirty laundry. Wearing silver boxes definitely wasn’t the most comfortable costume, or the most durable after it started raining (there was a really bad tornado later that night), but the reactions of all the neighbors were worth it. I don’t think I’ll even top the number of compliments I got that year.

My costume is definitely less elaborate this year than what I wore as a kid, but I’m still super excited. The pink jumpsuit I ordered just came in and my mom is bringing me the sash I asked her to make me to my race on Saturday morning. Me and the other freshman cross country athletes are going as Barbies and Kens from The Barbie Movie. I chose president barbie, mostly because I love a good sash. 

Happy Halloween to everyone, I’m excited to see everyone’s costumes!

President Barbie Issa Rae Drew Inspiration From Kamala Harris for Barbie  Movie | Teen Vogue


  1. I am so excited for Halloween! Thanksgiving is right around the corner! That is my favorite holiday.

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  3. The costume idea is so cute! Definitely should recreate it at some point!

  4. It sounds like you have really great memories of Halloween. And that you're still creating them!


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