Final Post!

  It’s week fifteen of the semester, which can only mean one thing: this will be my final blog post. I have to admit, having to sit down and write about something new every single week has been quite a challenge. I was complaining to my friends last night, “For someone who loves to talk so much, I have absolutely nothing to say”.  Regardless, writing this blog has been a really good practice of forcing myself to focus and write quickly. It’s also nice that I have an entire journal of the semester, some blog posts of major events in my life, others are just things that were on my mind that particular week. 

The first blog post I wrote was about the big transition of starting college and being on my own for the first time. While there was a ton of excitement, I was also nervous. I feel so incredibly grateful that I have grown more and more comfortable with where I am as the weeks and months have progressed. Being a part of ONU’s community has brought me so much joy over the past semester and now I really can’t imagine leaving. Finals are next week and while I’m excited to have a break and see everyone back home, an entire month away from the people I’ve grown so close with here is something I’m dreading.

One part I’m especially not looking forward to is having to run on my own. Running in the winter is already one of my least favorite things; the gray sky, freezing temperatures, and the treat of snow, hail, rain, and wind, are great deterrents for even the most dedicated of runners. Going to practice and running with my teammates is always the highlight of my day on campus. Forcing myself to go outside in the cold is such a struggle, especially because I have the freedom to choose what time I do it. This usually means that I put it off until the last possible minute and end up running in the worst weather of the day or into the darker evening hours.

There’s a lot of things I’ll miss when I go home, but I think a break will also be a really great opportunity to prep for the next semester and reflect on this one. I plan on using winter break to reset and turn over a new leaf academically for the Spring. I’m really looking forward to taking more classes in the business college next semester and I want to make sure I’m prepared and organized so I can start off on the right foot.


  1. Running in the winter seems like my own personal hell! But I'm happy you love practice and seeing your friends!!

  2. I agree with carly, idk if I could run in the cold but congrats on an successfull semester

  3. Congrats on a great semester! I feel you when it comes to taking a break and turning the tide into my last and final semester in the spring.

  4. Timmy would be proud


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